Advisory 10-05 July 8, 2010

  1. 2010 Ethics Counselor's Deskbook.

    The new 2010 Ethics Counselor's Deskbook is now available on the SOCO website. It includes outlines and instructor presentations for all subjects covered at the annual Ethics Counselor's Course held at the Army JAG School in Charlottesville, plus reference materials - all with a hyperlinked table of contents to get you to the topic you need fast.

  2. Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure Updates.

    The updated encyclopedia now offers 155 pages of actual violations by Government personnel. The encyclopedia is organized by type of violations, including conflicts of interest, misuse of Government equipment, violations of post-employment restrictions, and travel. It is a valuable resource document for training and briefing personnel. For those already familiar with the encyclopedia, we have also posted an "updates only" version that includes the most recent cases.

    Included in the updates is a Government employee at Bagram Airfield who pled guilty to accepting bribes in exchange for awarding Government contracts. The employee was responsible for evaluating trucking contractors and assigning each contractor days of work each month based on their performance. The employee was approached by a contractor and ultimately accepted a wireless telephone and $20,000 a month in exchange for assigning an extra day of work each month to that contractor. He also made a similar deal with another contractor for $15,000 a month. In all, the employee received about $87,000. He was sentenced to forty months in prison and three years of supervised release. More details are available here.


DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this advisory is to disseminate relevant information and sources of general guidance, policy and law on Government Ethics issues to the Department of Defense ethics community. Advisories are not intended to be and should not be cited as authoritative guidance, DoD policy, or law.