Advisory 10-03 April 2, 2010

  1. New DoD Policy on Social Networking.

    On February 25, 2010, DoD issued a policy Directive-Type Memorandum regarding the safe and effective use of Internet-based capabilities, including social networking services. The policy allows for use of social media capabilities(e.g. YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google Apps) across all DoD components. It also reminds users that use of social networking services must comply with DoD Directive 5500.07-R, the Joint Ethics Regulation, Section 2-301, which permits limited personal use of Federal Government resources, provided that the use does not: adversely affect the performance of official duties of the employee; is made during the employee's personal time; does not reflect adversely on DoD; and creates no additional costs to DoD.

  2. Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Survey on the Ethical Climate at DoD.

    Have your clients asked you about an ethics survey they recently received? The survey is being conducted under the sponsorship of the Office of the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP), to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the ethical climate and values within the DoD acquisition community. Employees have been randomly selected to participate in this confidential survey. DPAP received approval for the survey from the Defense Management Data Center. The survey is being conducted consistent with Section 813 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 which created the Panel on Contracting Integrity to improve business practices within the DoD Acquisition Offices.

  3. Military Balls.

    Military Balls are NOT official DoD events and DoD may not officially endorse them. DoD employees, both civilian and military, are severely limited in regard to official fundraising for charitable organizations and thus, Military Balls. Some DoD facilities and equipment may be provided as logistical support of charitable fundraising events, if no additional costs are incurred and the head of the DoD command or organization determines all of the factors listed in Section 3-211, DoD Directive 5500.7, the Joint Ethics Regulations, have been met. Detailed guidance on ethics issues related to military balls can be found in the Ethics Resource Library/DoD Guidance [Military Ball Guidance] on the SOCO website. The JER is found here.

  4. Updated $25,000 Defense Contractor listing.

    The most recent list of DoD contractors (with contracts exceeding $25,000) has been posted on the SOCO website.


DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this advisory is to disseminate relevant information and sources of general guidance, policy and law on Government Ethics issues to the Department of Defense ethics community. Advisories are not intended to be and should not be cited as authoritative guidance, DoD policy, or law.