Advisory 16-03 September 28, 2016

  1. Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure Update.

    The Encyclopedia of Ethics Failure now includes updates for 2016.  To view only the latest entries, click here.  These summaries of various ethical misadventures provide useful teaching aides - but should not be cited as authoritative guidance, DoD policy or law.

  2. 2016 National Emergency Extended by President.

    On September 1, 2016, the President extended the National Emergency related to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. A copy of the Federal register notice is here. The practical effect for the ethics community is a continuation (through September 14, 2017) of the suspension of the 180-day waiting period in 5 U.S.C. § 3326 that restricts the appointment of retired military members into civilian positions at DoD.

  3. Recent U.S. Office of Special Counsel cases involving violations of the Hatch Act.

    The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently obtained disciplinary action against three federal employees for violations of the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act allows most Federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in their personal capacity and outside of work. The cases highlighted in the attached OSC press release, illustrate the restrictions on engaging in partisan political activity while on duty or in the federal workplace, improper use of one's official authority or influence, and improper solicitation of campaign contributions.

  4. Holiday Guidance

    Tired of getting those questions about contractors participating in holiday office parties and about what kind of gifts can be exchanged among employees? Your answers are addressed in the SOCO Holiday Party Guidance available here under DoD Guidance. We recommend using this guidance to develop helpful messages and reminders to the workforce.


DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this advisory is to disseminate relevant information and sources of general guidance, policy and law on Government Ethics issues to the Department of Defense ethics community. Advisories are not intended to be and should not be cited as authoritative guidance, DoD policy, or law.