2016 SOCO Advisories

  • Advisory 16-05 December 22, 2016
    1. OGE announces changes to the standards governing gifts from outside sources (5 CFR 2635 Subpart B).
    2. Considerations for declining otherwise permissible gifts (5 C.F.R. § 2635.201(b)).
    3. General prohibition on solicitation or acceptance of gifts (Section 2635.202) and limitations on use of exceptions (Section 2635.205).
    4. Changes to definition of gift and other terms (Section 2635.203); former Section 2635.204(g)(1) exception is now an exclusion.
    5. Section 2635.204 exceptions to the prohibition against accepting certain gifts.
    6. Written determination now required to accept free attendance to any widely attended gathering (§ 2635.204(g)).
    7. Written determination now required to accept certain social invitations under § 2635.204(h).
    8. New exception for informational materials (§ 2635.204(m)).
    9. Limitations on use of exceptions (§ 2635.205).
    10. Properly disposing of gifts and maintaining documentation
  • Advisory 16-04 November 30, 2016 (Revised on December 5, 2016)
    1. Direct Acceptance of Gifts by Members of the Armed Forces, Department of Defense Employees and their families and survivors.
    2. Determining Reasonable Costs and Incidental Support for JER 3-211(a)(7) (from SOCO Advisory 09-03).
    3. Acceptance Date for Termination OGE 278e Filings (see OGE PA-16-06 & 81 FR 69204).
    4. Mandatory use of AGEAR for officials required to receive opinions.
  • Advisory 16-03 September 28, 2016
    1. Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure Update.
    2. 2016 National Emergency Extended by President.
    3. Recent U.S. Office of Special Counsel Cases Involving Violations of the Hatch Act.
    4. Holiday Guidance.
  • Advisory 16-02 July 29, 2016

  • Advisory 16-01 May 9, 2016
    1. The $25 K list and the Top 10 Defense Contractor Listing.
    2. Secretary's Letter on Culture of Ethics in DoD.
    3. Board Service reminder for O-7 through O-10 appointees, and divesture requirement for O-9 and O-10 appointees.
    4. Hatch Act: Frequently Asked Questions in Federal agencies and the Use of Social Media Accounts.
    5. Surveys.