2009 SOCO Advisories

  • Advisory 09-08 December 7, 2009
    1. Who is Authorized to Approve DoD Speakers at Outside Events
    2. Updated Holiday Guidance For Federal Personnel
  • Advisory 09-07 October 21, 2009
    Special Edition: 2009 Combined Federal Campaign
  • Advisory 09-06 August 25, 2009
    Special Edition: 2009 Annual Ethics Training now available online.
  • Advisory 09-05 July 22, 2009
    1. FY 2008 List of Companies with Contracts of $25,000 or more with DoD now Available
    2. DoD Financial Management Regulation on Collection of Conference Fees
    3. Former National Archives Employee Pleads Guilty to 18 USC 209 Violation
    4. Former Federal Employee Loses Job Over Misuse of Government Credit Card
  • Advisory 09-04 June 3, 2009
    1. Proper Citation of "Institution of Higher Education
    2. Updates to Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure
    3. Reminder for Public Financial Disclosure Report Filers
  • Advisory 09-03 March 23, 2009
    1. Reservists on Active Duty
    2. General Gift Funds (10 USC § 2601)
    3. New Reference Guide for Ethics Officials
    4. 2009 Pay Adjustments for Ethics Calculations
    5. The Ethics Pledge
    6. The Perry Exception
    7. Determining Reasonable Costs and Incidental Support for JER 3-211(a)(7)
    8. Providing Support at Training Conferences
  • Advisory 09-02 March 23, 2009
    1. New Ethics Pledge
    2. Use of Digital Signatures with the Confidential Financial Disclosure Form (OGE Form 450)
    3. Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) Status Update
    4. Federal Court Finds Violation of 18 USC 208 by Federal Employee who Participated in a Matter Involving a Contract Already in Existence
    5. GSA Amends Policy on Appraisal of Foreign Gifts
  • Advisory 09-01 January 13, 2009
    1. New Pay, New Thresholds
    2. New OGE Form 450
    3. File Those Training Plans
    4. Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure Update